You can!

Breaking Away From Feeling Not Good Enough

“I’m not good enough.” It’s a hard to say, hard to hear statement. And there’s not an ounce of truth to it.

Good days and bad days. We all have both.

There are those days when we feel capable, strong. We may even go as far to say that we’re on top of the world.

On the contrary, there are days when we feel less than, below, unmotivated. Completely unable. It’s okay, normal even, to have these days and these feelings, just as long as you don’t let them own you. As long as they don’t make you say…


I’m not good enough.

What does that even mean?

What’s the definition of good? Enough for what? And according to who?

Hearing someone say this makes you jolt. You are inclined to grab him by the shoulders, look him dead in the eye, and say, “YES. YOU. ARE.” Not only because he needs to hear it, but because you truly believe it.

You can’t fathom why someone would think she isn’t good enough, because her capabilities and possibilities are there, clear as day. How can she be blind to what you so easily see in her?


I’m not good enough.

Members and non-members alike may feel that they aren’t good enough for CKO. This can be a reason why people don’t join in the first place and why members halt their progress or stop all together.

Thinking you’re not “good enough” is, in essence, an imaginary hurdle that you think you can’t get over. And that imaginary hurdle was created by you.

If you’re not enough, then who is?

Is it that member? The one who’s younger than you? Or stronger than you? Maybe the one who’s leaner than you?

If you’re comparing yourself to other members, then you need to realize two things. One, they are not going away. And two, you have just as much a right to be here as anyone else.

There will always be someone taller, stronger, and smarter than you. Always. We can’t all be in the Guinness Book of World Records, right? . But what they do and who they are says nothing about who you are and what you can do.

You are good enough. In fact, just get rid of “enough”. You are good. You can do this. And if you never try, you’ll never know all the incredible things you’re capable of.


I’m not good enough.

Yes, you will have your first day. And it may be intimidating. And you may feel out of your comfort zone. But that day you will achieve at least one thing. You will learn the word “jab.” That’s a given.

And from there you will learn to throw a jab. And then you’ll improve your technique. You’ll improve your speed. You’ll improve your strength. You are and will continue to be good enough. Everyone is good enough for CKO. There are no prerequisites, no stereotypes, no must-haves. All that you need to be good enough is to walk through the CKO doors.


I’m not good enough.

We need to take our own advice when those words are on the tip of our own tongue.

We believe that others are good enough, even when they don’t see it. Yet, we also find ourselves in their shoes, not seeing our own worth. If we want them to see their possibilities, then we also need to see ours. We need to negate this weighty statement internally and remember that sometimes others see what we cannot.


I’m not good enough.

Henry Ford was famous for saying, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t you’re right.”

Thoughts are powerful and they lead to words, which also have immense power and meaning. Much more than we realize. When we make a self-doubting comment out loud, we begin to believe them. And believing them will keep you from new relationships, places and experiences. They will keep you from living.

In contrast, positive thoughts and statements cause positive outcomes.

To quote (yes, another quote) Norman Vincent Peale, the author of The Power of Positive Thinking,

“BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Have faith in your abilities… with sound self-confidence you can succeed. A sense of inferiority and inadequacy interferes with the attainment of your hopes, but self-confidence leads to self-realization and successful achievement.”

So why not start by believing you can. Get rid of that imaginary hurdle and, in its place, create an open field, with endless room for possibilities. From here, you’ll get rid of “I’m not good enough,” replacing it with:

I am good.

Yes. You. Are.



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Article written by Kimberly Oley, CKO Contributing Author and CKO Member since 2015!