Execution Leads to High Body Count

Last week, our Charlotte, North Carolina franchisees opened and broke our Pre-Sale member record, with 136 fitness memberships sold prior to the gym opening.

Fresh out of franchise training 3 months ago, the Leons left their professions, packed their car and moved to Charlotte. Armed with franchise manuals, a dream and a whole lot of passion, they were determined to spread the word.

Amy & Danny Leon’s passion for our concept and flawless execution, resulted in an amazing opening. Seeing their gym full of Charlotte residents last Saturday, enjoying the CKO Kickboxing workout for the first time, made all their hard work pay off.

No matter how good our concept is, the quality of our training, or our franchisee’s passion, the success of the location is determined by our franchisee’s execution and ability to be coached. We would like to say, Amy and Danny have been excellent students of our fitness franchise and have proved our concept and business opportunity can work anywhere.

On top of all the challenges new businesses typically have, these disciples of our brand brought a new fitness concept to the area and started a new life.

We’d like to thank the Leons for joining our team and representing the CKO Kickboxing brand at such a high level. The people of Charlotte, North Carolina are also very fortunate they chose to invest in their town and have gained a couple of good neighbors in the process. I’m sure will be seeing their members results shortly, on the testimonial page of our website.

Rich Rosso
Director of Business Development